
5 Reasons We Love Joyce Meyer

January 27th, 2012 / Stephane

Joyce Meyer is one of the most successful Christian writers and broadcasters of our day. She has written over 70 books, is a New York Times bestselling author and is a global daily broadcaster. Love her or hate her you can’t deny she stands out as someone who is tirelessly committed to her ministries. Here’s 5 reasons why we love her:

1. Dedication to advancing God’s kingdom

She has given her life and career to proclaiming the good news and spreading the gospel. She displays it daily not only in how she lives but it underpins her whole ministry. Her life itself is an example of how Jesus can and does set you free from bondage and sin and she lives to show this to others.

2. Unapologetic about who she is

Yes, she’s from the Bible-belt heartland (Southern United States) but she is unapologetic and unashamed of who she is, what she does but most importantly who she proclaims. Her reputation is not grounded in what people think or how she was brought up but in what she believes. It’s refreshing to know there are some powerful and influential people who are not ashamed of who they are.


3. Committed to seeing spiritual and mental freedom in others

Meyer’s most famous work Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind is all about overcoming negative thoughts such as doubt, confusion, depression, and anger to find inner freedom and peace. She has a 30-yr old full-time ministry in facilitating emotional healing and to helping people develop practical skills for getting free and staying free. In a world where so many people struggle silently with any of the above or anxiety, condemnation, or judgment a positive influence that breaks taboo and gets these topics out in the open is someone worth celebrating.

4. She’s a victor not a victim

Having come from a background of sexual abuse and violence, Meyer has not only overcome her past but has taken on the mindset of a victor having found victory in Jesus. She now faces these issues and other subjects that many consider taboo head on with confidence and from a place of power. She preaches about forgiveness and the freedom it brings and refuses to be bound by her past experiences and treatment. The power of Jesus’s sacrifice is made evident in our ability to stand tall, shake our past and remember we are forgiven and no longer victims tied to our past. Meyer’s example is a powerful reminder of this.

5. She believes in the power of the Bible

She is a relentless and fearless advocate of the Bible. She understands the impact of its truths and her daily devotionals bring encouragement and hope to millions. They are grounded strongly in biblical principles and her influence is one that many can only dream of aspiring to but nonetheless she relates it all back to the Bible.

So like I said you can either love her or hate her and you may not agree with everything she preaches but there’s no denying she is a remarkable pillar in the global church community. She continues to reach out and I believe that we could all learn a lot from her example.

Written by Sara Bennett

TweetMe @Sarallam

Check out her personal blog HERE

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