

January 2nd, 2013 / Stephane

“If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform a million realities.”~ Dr. Maya Angelou

Leadership is like having a child. Most people would like to have it when it is smiling and laughing, but when it comes to changing diapers and cajoling it when it screams and cries: they would rather have the option to drop it off at the nanny’s. Leadership, like parenting, is not for the faint of heart, but how does one remain tenacious through the hardships one encounters in leadership to enjoy the triumphs birthed from being a good leader?

1. Realise you are an influence whether you see it or not

We are the light of the world, it is God’s desire we influence people for Christ. Sin is no longer our master so our worlds and lives should reflect God’s love. (Matthew 15:14-16; Romans 6:13-14)

2. You have a vision, write it down


The number two slot on Forbe’s Best Leadership quotes is Proverbs 29:18 ” Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Writing down the visions and dreams you have, gives them a life beyond the limitations of your mind. (Habakkuk 2:2-3)

3. Humble yourself/ Find a mentor


A good leader is a good servant. Even the three persons of the Godhead, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit submit to each other. Jesus humbled himself until the point of death, if Jesus could humble himself so greatly. How much more can we? (Philippians 2:8) To be great leaders we must remain accountable and remain open to learning.

4. Know you can’t please everyone


This is the hardest obstacle to overcome in being a leader. You can become trapped in indecision in seeking to please everyone because it is simply impossible. For this very reason, a position of leadership can be a lonely place.

5. Maintaining a prayer life


Hearing God is imperative in leadership because oftentimes the vision God gives us makes no natural sense. Maintaining the strength of your spirit man will keep you strong when surrounding conditions are contradictory to your vision.

6. Faith leads to fulfilment

write down

Trials are imminent, but trusting the treasure you are is in being purified by the fire you endure allows you to acquire the tools you need to proceed to your destiny in God. (James 1:2-4)

7. Well wishes do not make the vision or wish come true, you do

make it happen

God has given us power and dominion over the Earth and a sound mind to perform what he has appointed us to do. God works when we move. (Genesis 1:28-30; Ephesians 3:20)

8. God will give you provision to bring it to fruition


God loves you and WANTS you to succeed! Let your fear of not being what God desires you to be outweigh your fears of failure. Dream BIG! He knows the plans he has for you as he said in Jeremiah 29:11, and he will lead you into triumph.

Written By: Kristina Love

Tweet Me: @klovesda

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