Me (from a virtual megaphone): What do we want to be ???
You: Happy!!!
Me: When do we want it???
You: Now!!!
Since the beginning of time, the journey to finding true happiness has been the struggle of mankind. What does that truly look like? I don’t claim to have found the key, but I have learned valuable lessons, on my journey to “happy”, lessons too good not to share.
Happiness is tailor-made for you.
As a performer, I have been through many costume fittings and those which have best fit were conceived, rendered and cut to fit the shape of my body. The most difficult, yet beautiful thing about finding your bliss, is discovering your happiness is tailor-made especially for you. Since our dimensions are carefully considered when something is tailor-made, the clothes fit perfectly: they hit all the right spots and hug all the right curves. No store bought item fits everyone perfectly, yet so many of us are trying to stuff ourselves into mass produced, one-size-fits all, versions of happiness given to us by the changing trends of our time. If you’re not happy, maybe it’s because you are trying to fit your shape into something that is not your size.
Happiness comes from chasing after God-given identity.
The Tailor is the constant of the equation to derive individual happiness. It is not through people or from possessions, but identity realized in God, that we achieve happiness. Before you were born, God knew everything about you and He gave you a purpose. We are born with abilities and gifts, but the most difficult thing to discover is, those gifts’ alone are unable to sustain us with joy in tough times. It is only our knowledge of identity in God, which can. The one thing we have in common is, God has a destiny and a plan for happiness for each individual. Allow the Tailor to clothe and wrap you in his love. When you know who you are in God, you can’t help but be happy.
Happiness is a choice
The great philosopher Pharrell Williams once said:
Here come bad news talking this and that (Yeah!)
Well, give me all you got, don’t hold it back (Yeah!)
Well, I should probably warn you I’ll be just fine (Yeah!)
No offense to you don’t waste your time, here’s why…
Because I’m happy…
Terrible things happen and it’s gets hard to see the way out, but what determines our ability to persevere is simply: choosing to remain happy. Allow yourself to experience the fear, disappointment and sadness of the moment, but remain convinced these moments do not define who and what you are. Permitting these moments to dominate your reality, will change you for the worse.You are what you eat, and you are what you think yourself to be. No matter what happens, resolve to be happy!
Let’s go get it ya’ll!!!
Tweet Me: @klovesda
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