Sacrifice is everything!
A visionary is a forward thinker; someone who at all times is living ahead of his or her time. This forward thinker strives to craft and create what is invisible and make it visible. He is governed by thae mental images in his mind which are yet to be perceived by any other mind, and this is why he sacrifices indulging in temporary pleasures for today so he can have what no other will have tomorrow.
The vision for Honeyhand, my brand new Hair Salon, was and is so clear in me that monetarily I gladly, yet painfully, invested and still invest my money, time and energy into it in order for it to become a tangible reality. Investing or saving perhaps is tough but rather rewarding in time.
For an entire year I was on a very strict saving plan: the goal was to bank £300 every week for approx 10months to get me at least started on the path to opening the first Honeyhand Salon. You can imagine that aiming to bank £300 every single week required strenuous labour and a tactical hustle. I stopped doing my hair, I stopped buying clothes, I stopped attending events and avoided going to places that required spending money and travel money. I walked more, I prepared lunch from home, and at times I wouldn’t eat at all. I sold all my costly belongings such as my iPad, I have sold 3 of my own blackberry phones, I have sold DVDs and much more, I have even held a yard sale at my house and sold my clothes as well as food to make money. I lost sleep as well as faced ridicule and disbelief from people all because the vision in my head was so clear and I was determined to bring it in to existence. My hustle probably sounds desperate, but it has proved worth it because I DIDN’T NEED A LOAN.
A good saving strategy to adopt is as follows:
- Have a desired amount that you want to achieve and a desired date.
- Calculate how many days, weeks, months or years it would take to achieve your desired amount.
- Decide how much money you will bank daily, weekly, monthly or yearly to get your desired amount.
- Think of a strategy that will enable you to get the money to bank each day, each week, each month or each year.
It is the 5th September 2011 and by December 1st 2011 I want to save £500 to start my own catering company.
Between the 5th Sept and 1st December we have 86 days.
500 divided by 86 days rounds up to approximately £6 a day.
So you could say ‘every day until November 31st I am going to bank £6. I will do this by not buying lunch every day or washing someone’s car or selling some unwanted books.’ The key is to be creative in your attempt to get the money every day.
This is just one of the many examples in which you can save money to invest into your future.
Visit the brand new Honey Hand website by clicking the link.
Written by Hannah Balogun (Director/ Founder of HoneyHand Salon, Aged 22)