

September 4th, 2012 / Stephane

The end of August not only signifies the end of the summer months, the barbeques (you’ve soldiered through in the torrential rain), and the quality time with friends and family—it also signifies for many the beginning of a new year at university and the onslaught of the uni blues. For no doubt, the thought of the endless deadlines that are looming (arguably designed to make you cry inside) does not fill you with delight.  Neither perhaps does the thought that your lie-in days will decrease from 7 to about 5. Fear not! Let’s just remember the some of joys that lie before you:

1. ONE

As amazing as some of your friends at home are, you’ve met some pretty cool people at uni too and back to uni means that those who live way too far to visit during holiday periods are back in close proximity. It’s back to playing knock-down-ginger in halls, working together to use a supermarket trolley as valid means of transportation and of course, chilling for endless hours—despite all parties clearly needing to do work.

2. TWO

 Walking around on campus wearing a leopard print onesie is probably the only place where this is socially acceptable. Just.


The glorious student loan. Even if you’ve been working all summer trying to get by, remember that the student loan is free money, baybay (despite what your parents say) and it will rain into your bank account within a matter of weeks. We all know that you will dine like royalty and once again EBay, Amazon and the shopping centres will know your name—at least for two weeks and then beans on toast and your overdraft shall be your lifeline for the rest of the term.


As much as we all purport to hate deadlines; there is a bit of a rush of adrenalin when you know that you have less than 24 hours to complete an essay on Nietzsche and the origin of morality and your word count is currently 20—the entirety of which is the title and your name. Goodbye sanity, hello, Red Bull, red eyes and the shakes.


Independence from your family.  Admit it.  You may love them dearly (most of the time), but if you’re going back to uni and it’s away from home, there are definitely perks. Although washing your clothes will be your domain once more, there will be no more texts from an irate parent wondering where you are and why you haven’t brought the bread or vacuumed the house.

6. SIX

A new start. OK so it may be that last year didn’t go so well and you made a few mistakes along the way.  This may well be why your uni blues are singing much louder than before. Still, this is a chance to learn from your mistakes, make amends where necessary and start afresh.  Choose now what kind of a year you would like to have; this may mean making new friends, maintaining the old—socialising more or socialising a bit less. Banish your blues and instead look at the coming year as one filled with hope, laughter and learning.


So yes, university is just around the corner and yes, you will have to work hard but this doesn’t mean that there will not be any fun times ahead. May your student loan bring you joy; may you run with the speed of Usain Bolt to your faculty department with one minute to spare before your essay is marked as late; may you not injure yourself as your friend accidentally lets go of the supermarket trolley at the top of the hill. Moreover, may this be a year where you experience goodness in measures you could never have asked for or imagined.

Written by Kazstarlet

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