

August 4th, 2012 / Stephane

Mingle and connect: if it’s true that it’s not what you know, but who you know- you may as well have all bases covered…

1. Get involved in SOCIETIES. Most universities have a comprehensive list of them; it’s a good way to make friends and meet people who will often share similar interests. From personal experience, apart from a brief dalliance with the Dance Mat Appreciation Society (don’t ask) – all the other societies I joined proved to be both worthwhile and widened my social network considerably.


2. Talk to people generally. The worst that could happen is that they think you’re weird; but on the upside – they may already think you’re weird anyway, meaning you have absolutely nothing to lose. Or even better, they may love you. Uni is a great opportunity to get to know lots of different people. It is often said that lifelong friends and useful connections are made here, so it may be that you have to put in a little bit of effort in to reap the benefits.


3. Get connected with a LOCAL CHURCH. I do mean mainly to nourish your soul; the church can be an amazing support system and a home away from home. It can also be a place to nourish your body. Many churches nationwide provide free lunches on Sundays (that’s right ladies and gents, free) and also during the week. In all fairness, why cook when you don’t have to?


4. Go and VISIT OTHER FRIENDS at other universities. By the time you get to your final year especially, you may be bored of the same old same. Changing your surroundings and visiting other universities again widens your circle of friends and also gives you a broader scope of the uni experience than what your uni alone offers.


Balance and Focus: have fun but don’t fail…


5. HAVE A PLAN in mind than just the here and now. You may already know what you want to do when you graduate. If so, use your summer holidays especially to do internships or work experience in the field of your choice. Even if you have no idea what you want to do, it is still a good idea to get experience in a number of fields. Ultimately, you want to be able to get a job when you graduate and when employers see your CV, they want to be able to set you apart from the next Joe Bloggs with exactly the same degree as you.


6. I know it may not seem like it right now, but university is more than just PARTY CENTRAL. This may also shock you, but your presence is not needed at every party. I know – crazy right? But honestly, the world will still spin without you there. Be wise about where you’re going and when. If you have an exam the next morning; spending all night partying may not be the wisest decision you can make.


7. Make STUDYING and going to your LECTURES PRIORITIES. It may sound obvious, but is a lot harder in practice; doing these things will make it much easier when exam time comes round. Avoid the ‘shoulda coulda woulda’ song. It is a lot easier to fail at uni than you may think – speak less of crying over an exam paper you don’t understand.

8. Don’t use other people’s talk of study or lack of study as your standard. SET YOUR OWN STANDARD of achievement.  You will surely find people that will tell you that they’re not doing any work. Don’t listen. They’re either lying, in which case they want you to fall into complacency and fail or they’re telling the truth and they want you to fall into complacency and fail. Either way – you do the work.


9. Deadlines are not mere suggestions. Don’t leave it till the last minute. Don’t let ‘the fear’ be your motivator. Let the fear of 4am hand tremors from an overdose of caffeine lure you away from a lastminute.com lifestyle. Just because you can; doesn’t mean that you should. What is more, Red Bull and Pro Plus are not your friends, they’re your enablers. Stop it.


10. Make the most out of your tutors, lecturers and the services on offer at your university. When facing a challenge, there is often more help there than you think. Make an effort to find out what resources are on offer. They may provide the life line that you need.


Let your hair down…

11. Have fun. Don’t be so stuck in the library that you don’t enjoy yourself; similarly, don’t enjoy yourself so much that you don’t know where the library is. University is a unique experience that you will only really have the pleasure of living out properly once – cherish it.


12. BE YOURSELF. If you don’t know what that even really means, jump on the exciting journey of finding out. University is a great chance to discover who you are – especially when you’re away from family and friends. You may find that some of the biggest lessons you learn come outside of the lecture theatre. Let them be the making of you.


Written by Kazstarlet

TweetMe @kazstarle

Check out her personal blog HERE

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